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Pontiff C. R. Hill

Spiritual Father and Mentor

Imparting life principles, experiences, knowledge, wisdom and leadership.

After 58 years in the trenches as an Minister, Senior Pastor, Bishop, Pontiff. I can attest to having experienced everything you’re going through to some degree or another. Without running down the laundry list of storms I’ve weathered in organizing several churches suffice it to say, my faith has been tried, trampled, and at times tortured. Yet the faithfulness of God has kept me and He will also keep you. Sadly, many of our colleagues have fallen by the wayside, plagued by rampant financial inefficiencies, moral failure, church splits, ineffective vision casting, and more.

As a spiritual father and mentor, it is my responsibility to impart into your life principles, experiences, knowledge, wisdom and leadership. That impartation takes place by hearing the Word of God coming from my life and ministry, into your life and ministry. My responsibility as a spiritual father is not making decisions that you should make under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, nor counseling you for every situation in life.

My job is to impart through the vehicles of one on one mentorship conference calls, conferences, preaching engagements, recommended readings and audio/videotapes, periodic times of impartation to the sons and daughters. Also through our Holy Synods an event where all of my sons and daughters in the ministry gather for days of relaxation, refreshment and hear instruction from the Lord and spiritual growth. If you are looking for spiritual covering and desire more information, please complete form below.