Understanding Elijah’s Anointing: Unleashing The Anointing Of Fatherhood And Preparation

The anointing is God’s tangible power that comes upon you to change
you or empower you for service. ITS THE MIGHTY PRESENCE OF
THE HOLY SPIRIT ON ONE’S LIFE. However, The Elijah’s Anointing
is a very specific anointing for the last days. The Word declares, “Behold,
I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and
dreadful day of the Lord.” [Mal 4:5]. Elijah had won a great victory
against the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, but that did not mean
that the worship of Baal ceased. … And so, Elijah was instructed to anoint
Elisha as prophet in his place, in order that God’s voice would not be
silent as His people descended down a steep and disastrous path of
idolatry. Elijah’s anointing, is the apostolic-prophetic anointing that will
bring practical expression of the five-fold ministry into a local church.
In this enthralling master piece Dr. Hill elucidates that Elijah moved
in this anointing to destroy the activities of evil in the land. He singlehandedly executed 450 prophets of Baal and 400 priests of Ashtaroth.
This anointing will open an awesome place of intimacy with God. Elijah
experienced the “still small voice” of the LORD. Elijah did something
unique to Old Testament prophets. He raised up successors. He anointed
Hazael as king of Syria, Jehu as king of the northern Kingdom of Israel
and Elisha who got the double portion of his anointing as prophet in his
place. These three successors accomplished what Elijah left undone in his
lifetime. Malachi 4:6 tells us that, “this anointing will turn the hearts of
fathers to their sons and daughters”. We must have this component of
the Elijah anointing functioning in this generation to make an indelible
mark on earth. One more thing Elijah’s anointing is the anointing of
FATHERHOOD and PREPARATION for the coming of the LORD.
Enjoy the book!



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